AIIA 2019

18th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

The First AI*IA Workshop on AI and Enterprise

Friday 22 November 14:00

Chair: Francesco Ricca

Location: Sala Stampa - Centro Congressi "Beniamino Andreatta"

Info: The workshop aims at creating connections between companies adopting or developing AI systems and researchers.


  • 14:00 - DLV System srl. - Salvatore Ielpa - "DLV SYSTEM A success case of technology transfer"
  • 14:25 - Internet e Idee - Giuseppe Ielpa - "Products and services innovation of Internet&idee business - Case studies"
  • 14:50 - NTT Data - Stefano Turchetta - "AI in Enterprises: experiences from NTT DATA"
  • 15:15 - Italo Foundation - Davide Guzzi - "Robodidattica - Formazione esperienziale in azienda con la robotica"